Environmental Studies and Sciences
- ES 100: Environmental Concerns in Perspective
- ES 105: Field Studies in Environmental Science
- ES 223: Environmental Justice
- ES 225: Human Rights and Development
- ES 302: Environment and Development in the Middle East
- ES 303: The Politics of Food, Agriculture, and Social Justice
- ES 305: Environmental Education
- ES 307: Global Environmental Governance
- ES 308: Soil and Watershed Science for a Crowded Planet
Political Science
- PL 231: Environmental Politics and Policy
- PL 251 A: Race, State, and Nation in Comparative Perspective
- PL 339: International Political Economy and the Environment
- PL 340: The International Human Rights Regime: Promise and Peril
- SO 101: Sociological Perspectives
- SO 204: Introduction to Race, Class, and Gender
- SO 216: Food and Society
- SO 219: Race and Power
- SO 223: Environmental Sociology
- SO 326: Social Theories of the Environment
Gender Studies
World Lang and LIt
- WLL 363C: Race and Nature in Literature
Environmental Action Club (EAC)
SGA Sustainability Committee
Outing Club
History Club
Minorities in Health and Health Disparities Awareness
Nordic Ski Club
Pass The Mic
Skidmore Democrats
To find more information about clubs and events, visit SkidSync.
Environmental Studies and Sciences
Political Science
Social Work
Sustainability Office
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